Poor construction material storage can result in replacement items, additional customer care visits and low CQR scores. The following
guidance shows how to correctly store our products on site.
Staircases & stair components
Store 1st fix Stairs in a designated container, or a dry garage/property, off the floor on bearers, with the wall string at the bottom.
Store 2nd fix balustrades and stair components in a designated container with shelving to hold loose components and cantilever brackets to suspend balustrades.
It is important to store stair components in a clean, well ventilated, water-tight area protected from damp and direct sunlight.
When it comes to construction storage material for joists and decking, they should be kept in their protective packaging used for delivery and off the ground and out of the water on skids.
It is recommended to use a protective cover over the product to prevent moisture ingress.
Ensure when moving product around on site that the protective packaging does not get damaged allowing water into the pack.
Both Linings and Doors should be kept in their protective packaging used for delivery and placed on a level surface clear of the floor.
It is recommended that they are stored flat on the bearers supplied, in the water-tight plot where they are to be installed. At no point should the products be stored in an unventilated container or outside.
Store all products in the correct order in line with build requirements. Plan your Call-Offs and Deliveries to be closer to the scheduled installation date, minimising storage time on site.